Mount Vernon’s Main Street Alliance has been a major factor in the development and preservation of our downtown.
The Mount Vernon Main Street Alliance offers incentives to business and building owners. Architectural renderings, paint, awnings, and sign grants are available.
Mount Vernon Main Street works with community organizations to develop tourism and has brought more than 20,000 guests to our Main Street District in the past 2 years.
In 2014 Mount Vernon Main Street was one of only three cities in Texas selected to develop tourism products related to the stories and historic resources of the Bankhead Highway – leveraging existing resources (historic downtowns and other sites) as heritage tourism destinations and economic generators.
As a unique preservation-based economic development tool, the Main Street Four Point Approach is the foundation for local initiatives to revitalize the Historic District by leveraging local assets from cultural or architectural heritage to local enterprises and community pride. The four points of the Main Street approach work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization.
The Four Points Are:
builds partnerships among the various groups that have a stake in downtown; builds a pathway to leadership in local efforts by launching community-based, volunteer-driven nonprofit entities that empower residents and investors to collaborate for sustainable revitalization.
focuses on the physical elements of downtown such as storefronts, signs, landscaping, and public spaces; targets infrastructure and building improvements that lay the groundwork for a physical transformation that will be both functional and attractive.
promotes a positive image of downtown to a variety of audiences; focuses on authentic community assets, with high-quality image development campaigns and events that will attract new shoppers, visitors, and residents
Economic Vitality
identifies new market opportunities for the downtown area; redefines the district’s niche in the marketplace and sharpens the competitiveness of existing businesses, while nurturing new enterprises that respond to today’s consumers’ needs.
Would you like to be part of our Main Street Family? Complete the application below and return to City Hall or email to: mountvernonmainstreet@comvtx.com