Municipal Court
At this time, due to COVID-19 we are recommending all defendants call the court to make arrangements. We thank you for your cooperation.
The Municipal Court is the judicial branch of city government. This court has jurisdiction over all Class C misdemeanors, fine only offense, which means that no jail time may be assessed as part of the sentence. Class C misdemeanors include all traffic offenses, which fines may not exceed $500.00 and City Ordinance violations which can result in fines up to $2,000.00.
After receiving a citation you should respond to the court within ten to fourteen days. At that time you will have several options in how to resolve the matter. You may plead guilty or no contest and pay the fine assessed, you also have the right to plead not guilty and request a trial, either by judge or jury. If you are pleading not guilty, you must do that in writing and provide the court with a valid mailing address. At which time a trial date will be assigned to you and written notice of that date will be mailed to you. Certain offenses can be dismissed upon showing proof to the court that the situation has been brought into compliance. There is a dismissal fee that is required to clear the case.
You do not need an appointment to see the Judge; however to avoid being inconvenienced you may want to call to ascertain the availability of the Judge at the time you wish to make your appearance. If there is no answer at the Court number you may call City Hall at 903-537-2252.
Fines may be paid in the form of a cashier's check or money order only. No personal checks. You may contact Government Payment Services at 888-604-7888 to pay with a credit or debit card. Your pay location number is 1130 or you may visit their website and pay online.
The Municipal Court does not provide legal advise. The Office of Court Administration's Self-Help website.
Contact Information
Mount Vernon Municipal Court
109 North Kaufman Street
PO Box 597
Mount Vernon, Texas 75457
Staff Contacts:
Christie Burnett, Court Clerk
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday:
7:30 AM to 5:00 PM
8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Excluding: City Holidays